Kathryn Anderson Owner Director Viva Physiother...
"As a physio, I’m constantly working to provide solutions to our clients who engage in prolonged static sitting. By combining principles of active sitting and principles from stability-training equipment, the...
Kathryn Anderson Owner Director Viva Physiother...
"As a physio, I’m constantly working to provide solutions to our clients who engage in prolonged static sitting. By combining principles of active sitting and principles from stability-training equipment, the...
Marcus Bondi at Bondi Beach
"The Ergo-Flip multi-functional dynamic office chair represents a whole new era in essential health and fitness. Become happier, healthier, stronger, more productive and efficient while you work - as the...
Marcus Bondi at Bondi Beach
"The Ergo-Flip multi-functional dynamic office chair represents a whole new era in essential health and fitness. Become happier, healthier, stronger, more productive and efficient while you work - as the...